Thursday, June 26, 2008

stupid teacher..

i am so mad! I have had it up to my eyeballs with this teacher!..My family law teacher is one of the biggest bitches on the planet..the FIRST day of school we were in a comp lab and it was noisy cuz of the fans from the comps and such, neways i couldn't understand her and she kept putting her hands in front of her face to talk, so i got up when she was getting a book out and was about to ask her to speak louder and clear and ask if she could try to stop putting her hands up and down so much when she said to me
Excuse me I am in the middle of a lesson, do you mind?!
so i said to her, sorry i am hoh/deaf and i cannot understand you...she was like OH and then walked away. THEN the 3rd or 4th class...we had an ORAL quiz, jeorpardy side of the class vs the naturally ppl are shouting out answers and i have NO idea wats going i didn't the end of class i went up to the teacher and was like "are we going to be doing many of these types of quizes, because It's really hard to follow with everyone talking at once"...her response was
well why don't you sit in the front then, maybe then you would hear what's going
Do hearing ppl not get that it doest NOT matter where sound is coming from, if EVERYONE is yelling out stuff sitting in the front isn't going to do squat! So after she said this i thought she was finished i walked away...little to my knowlege, she was still friend in the class said her face turned red and she looked all pissed off at the fact that i walked away while she was still talking, and she was like "how rude" and my friend was lke "shes hard of hearing she wears hearing aids, she wouldn't walk away on purpose"...i would never do that! well esp not to a teacher, im not that rude!ANDDD the kickerrr...we had an assignment to do and we got them back and YAY i got an 81% and its worth 10 percent of my i thought i did pretty darn well for it being the first assignment and all...we had or pre midterm meeting with her and she was like u could have done better and i made a mistake on something cuz i had never heard her say it n class (it was a mistake onher part with a fake cheque that she had made for us to hand in) so really it was her fault why i got it wrong, cuz she shud have fixed HER mitake inthe first place. So when i noticed the mistake i never questioned it cuz i figured since she had given it to us, heyyyy it must be right, right?....WRONG..but of course..that was my fault for not emailing her and asking her if it was wrong, according to her. We had this lil meeting on friday i walk into another class and go to check my school email and get this!

Each term teachers are asked to complete an “early alert” form identifying
students that may be at risk of not being successful in a given term.Your
professor Sheena Laird has expressed concern about your progress in the Family
Law course.Getting help around the college is easy! Please contact me and I
would be pleased to discuss various strategies to help ensure your future
success at Algonquin College.

Nastia Toulova

Student Success Specialist

i couldnt believe it! I got an 81% on my first assignment so right now my mark is at about an 86 or better cuz that's including my participation and some little work sheets...i have missed ONE class, and usually when i "socialize" it's to clarify wat shes talking me being the nice Patient (getting mad one) i sent an email back

Dear Nastia,I really am confused as to why she would be sending you a "early
alert" as to my success in her class this term when I have received my first
assignment back already and received an 81% on it. I don't appreciate her
"concern" as I think I am doing well. I have missed one class and maybe I do
socialize sometimes when other people in the class, but I am far from being a
"problem" or a "concern" in her class.


she proceeded to send me back this...
Hi Alicia,If you have couple of minutes in between classes, please stop by my
office B337d and I would be able to provide to you more detailed information,
based on the teacher’s report. The teacher confirmed that you did OK on your
first assignment.Many people here at Algonquin are committed to your success.
This includes your teachers, the program coordinator, myself – as a Student
Success Specialist.Take care,Nastia
last time i had checked an 81% was more than OK and it's like she wanted to emphasize the ok, that's what had ticked me off the most, because i work very hard at school and to get this because a teacher dislikes me is very frusterating.I talked to the coordinator for my dept and she was like well i know from personal experience it's very hard to accomodate something u are not use to esp with someone who is deaf/hoh, well if it's so hard then why accept me into the program!?any thoughts on what i should do? i am soooo frusterated and mad about this whole thing..


JennyB said...

Are you registered with the Centre for Students with Disabilies at Algonquin?

If not, go do it! They will be advocates for if you need help with a teacher like that.
That site details the complaint process.

Another option is the Canadian Hearing Society. Get in touch with their general support services, or Connect Counselling Services and they will provide you with advocacy support with the school!

Hope that helps!

Shel90 said...

Hi there! That has happened to me before. Teachers telling me that if I sit in the front, I should be able to hear everything! If u can imagine that it is bad of them to tell that to a hoh person, can you imagine that being told to a profoundly deaf person? I feel you!!

Hang in there and keep doing the good job you are doing!